Writing Historical Fiction, with Natalie Morrill


Our own lives are great sources of inspiration. There may even be experiences from our past that aren’t just enough to inspire a scene, but an entire novel!

Take The Ghost Keeper, written by Natalie Morrill, which came from a memory she wasn’t even sure she remembered right. 

But that memory, some research, and a submission to the HarperCollins UBC Prize for Best New Fiction, was enough to help Natalie rise from her MFA to become a published novelist.

Writing Historical Fiction, with Natalie Morrill

Listen to learn: 

  • How to write a book in a perspective you haven’t lived yourself
  • The stakes involved in writing historical fiction
  • About the path to publishing via winning contests
  • How you don’t have to travel to do research on your novel setting

Here's a sneak peek of today's episode...

[04:30 ] And it sort of came to me then that if I were to look back on my life, say, 20 years from then, what would I regret not doing? I just kind of...

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