Ingredients for a Perfect Writing Day

Join me for a wee thought exercise…

Let’s imagine a perfect writing day.

You and I both know there’s no such thing as truly “perfect” in real life, but for the moment this is just a thought exercise so we can make our day whatever we want it to be.

Here’s mine…

I wake up early, feeling truly rested and refreshed. Everything is quiet around me except for the sounds of birds starting their day. I walk my cocker spaniel, Mr. Darcy, because he is definitely perfect and hates to wait for his morning walk. 

As I walk, I clear my head of last night’s dreams and observe… the woman who lives in the house on the corner is walking her fat Pekingese pup while wearing pyjama pants and slippers…a black squirrel has found a piece of bread and is trying to cram as much of it into his cheeks as he can…the couple who own two Weimaraners are also out for a walk and don’t seem to be speaking to each other. Are they...

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