Three Sneaky Types of Writerā€™s Procrastination Keeping You from Finishing Your Book

[photo credit: Annie Spratt via Unsplash. Isn't it great?]

Let me guess…

You have one (or 12) unfinished writing projects stashed in the back of your desk drawer, or buried 22 subfolders deep on your hard drive.

These unfinished writing projects might include:

  • Stalled novel manuscript(s)
  • Illegible memoir notes on napkins 
  • Scattered bits of short stories 

Sound familiar?

If you’re like the vast majority of writers I work with in the First Book Finish program, it’s probably far too familiar. 

You may be comfortable with things the way they are. In fact, you may even believe your fate as the “half-finished creative” is sealed because you think:

“That’s just how my brain works.”

“I’ve always been like this.”

“I enjoy having multiple projects to choose from.”

“Who has the time to actually finish a book anyway?”

I’ve heard every single line above and more. 

When it comes...

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