Finding the Shape for Memoir, with Beth Kaplan


Links in this Episode

Beth Kaplan’s website

Midlife Solo

True to Life

Creative Nonfiction Collective

Finding the Shape for Memoir, with Beth Kaplan [Full Transcript]


Well, hey there, Writer. Welcome to the Resilient Writers Radio Show. I'm your host, Rhonda Douglas. And this is the podcast for writers who want to create and sustain a writing life they love. Because let's face it, the writing life has its ups and downs, and we want to not just write, but also to be able to enjoy the process so that we'll spend more time with our butt-in-chair getting those words on the page.

This podcast is for writers who love books and everything that goes into the making of them. For writers who want to learn and grow in their craft and improve their writing skills. Writers who want to finish their books and get them out into the world so their ideal readers can enjoy them. Writers who want to spend more time in that flow state. Writers who want to connect with...

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Facing the Discomfort of Memoir


When we write memoir, there are a million things we have to think about. 

We have to know what story we want to tell, and we have to know how to tell it. 

We have to be ready to be vulnerable on the page. And then, we have to be ready to share our vulnerability with all of our readers!

Choosing to write a memoir can be a difficult choice, especially when dealing with serious subject matter as Stephanie Kain’s memoir does. 

Despite Stephanie’s initial hesitance at her agent’s suggestion of turning her journaling into a memoir, she went into it with an open mind and came out the other side of the publishing process with a wonderful experimental memoir. 

Listen to learn: 

  • How to become comfortable with being vulnerable in your writing 
  • How to choose what to include and exclude in your memoir 
  • About the benefits of writing experimentally 
  • The value of writing something even if you’re afraid of being judged 


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