How to Format Books for Self-Publishing, with Monique from


Links in this Episode:

How to Format Books for Self-Publishing, with Monique from – Full Transcript


Well, hey there, Writer. Welcome to The Resilient Writers Radio Show. I'm your host, Rhonda Douglas. And this is the podcast for writers who want to create and sustain a writing life they love. Because let's face it, the writing life has its ups and downs, and we want to not just write, but also to be able to enjoy the process so that we'll spend more time with our butt-in-chair getting those words on the page. 

This podcast is for writers who love books and everything that goes into the making of them. For writers who want to learn and grow in their craft and improve their writing skills. Writers who want to finish their books and get them out into the world so their ideal readers can enjoy them. Writers who want to spend more time in that flow state. Writers who want to connect with other writers to celebrate and be in community, in...

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Writing a Romance Readers Love, with Danika Bloom


Links in this Episode:

Danika Bloom

Author Ever After

Mother Teresa’s Advice for Jilted Lovers

Romance Writers of America

Writing a Romance Readers Love, with Danika Bloom [Full Transcript]


Well, hey there, Writer. Welcome to the Resilient Writers Radio Show. I'm your host, Rhonda Douglas. And this is the podcast for writers who want to create and sustain a writing life they love. Because let's face it, the writing life has its ups and downs, and we want to not just write, but also to be able to enjoy the process so that we'll spend more time with our butt-in-chair getting those words on the page. 

This podcast is for writers who love books and everything that goes into the making of them. For writers who want to learn and grow in their craft and improve their writing skills. Writers who want to finish their books and get them out into the world so their ideal readers can enjoy them. Writers who want to spend more time in that flow state. 


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The Courage to Share


Getting our writing out in the world can be terrifying. 

I’m not even talking about getting your book published. Sharing your writing with family and friends just so it can be read can be a hurdle, one that seems impossible to overcome. 

But finding one person you can share your work with can make a world of difference. 

Esther Schultz experienced this herself when her late mother-in-law asked to read some of Esther’s writing—writing which Esther had never shared with anyone before. 

It was her mother-in-law’s encouragement that helped boost Esther’s courage enough for Esther to chase her dream of writing as a career. 

A dream which is coming true, one year and one book at a time. 

Listen to learn: 

  • Why sharing your writing with others enriches your writing life 
  • How to find inspiration when writing historical fiction 
  • Considerations when choosing to take the Indie publishing route 
  • The value...
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