From Notes to Novel: 5 Key Steps, with Savannah Gilbo

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Savannah Gilbo

Fiction Writing Made Easy

Free Training: 5 Steps to Writing a Novel Without Letting Perfectionism Get In the Way

Notes to Novel: 5 Key Steps, with Savannah Gilbo [Full Transcript]


Well, hey there, Writer. Welcome to the Resilient Writers Radio Show. I'm your host, Rhonda Douglas. And this is the podcast for writers who want to create and sustain a writing life they love. 

Because let's face it, the writing life has its ups and downs, and we want to not just write, but also to be able to enjoy the process so that we'll spend more time with our butt-in-chair getting those words on the page. 

This podcast is for writers who love books and everything that goes into the making of them. For writers who want to learn and grow in their craft and improve their writing skills. Writers who want to finish their books and get them out into the world so their ideal readers can enjoy them. 

Writers who want to spend more time in that flow...

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How to Write a Book that Works: Revisiting the Classic 3-Act Structure


As writers, we can get swept up in the plot and subplot(s) of our stories and books. So much so that we might forget to check and make sure that all our plots and subplots actually have beginnings and endings that make sense. 

And of course, the last thing we want is to leave things hanging—so we have to go back and fix them. 

But that can make our revision process a long one that requires a lot of metaphorical heavy lifting. 

That's where the three act structure comes in! It's a classic structure, but as Rhonda Douglas tells us in this episode to kick off Season 2 of The Resilient Writers Radio Show, it’s not one that should be dismissed. Using the 3-Act structure can ensure our stories are complete AND save us more work in the revision process. Can we get an Amen?

Listen to learn:

  • The essential elements of the three act structure 
  • The benefits of keeping your novel outline simple 
  • How to use the three act structure to write an...
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How to Write a Book (From Great Idea to A Book That Works!)

AHA! Lightbulb moment. The air is practically sizzling around you because you, Dear Writer, have a new idea for a book.

TA-DAAA!! How completely and wonderfully awesome is that? CONGRATULATIONS!

Except, once the adrenaline wears off and you’ve maybe dashed off a few initial pages, you might be left wondering how the heck to actually write the beautiful book you’’ve imagined… 

Books come to us in different ways. Some books arrive as an image, some as a character, some as a situation, and some begin with voice. Depending on what your starting point is, you’ll need to take a slightly different path to flesh out your basic book idea so that you can turn it into a full book.

When you’ve got a great idea and are wondering how to write a book now that all you have is the start of a great idea, the trick is to know what questions to ask yourself. By asking yourself key questions, you can write all the way from the start to the end of a first draft.

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