Dear Rhonda: A Monthly Writerā€™s Advice Column

Welcome to a brand new monthly feature here on the Resilient Writer’s Blog. 

Each month, I’ll answer the most common questions I get from writers, and you’ll be able to submit your questions for consideration as well. 

This month’s question comes from a First Book Finish member who is feeling creatively burned out due to her day job. 

Q: Dear Rhonda, 

I’m having a hard time focusing on my novel-in-progress because I’m giving all of my creative energy to my day job. At the end of the day, I have nothing left for my own writing. 

How can I maintain my creative writing habit when I write full-time for a living? 

— M.

A: Dear M., 

This is such a common struggle, and most of us who aren’t dedicated to our own writing full-time can relate.

Anyone with a job that requires high creative and cognitive output, such as writing, teaching, or design, knows there’s a price to pay in terms of your creative...

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