The Notebook Project
#thenotebookproject begins with a free mini-course outlining how to use a writer's notebook as an essential tool. Learn how to use a writer's notebook to improve your writing AND create a writing life you truly love. (Yep, it's totally FREE!)
- Videos and PDFs to help you set up your new notebook project. Make it easier to sit down to write each and every week.
- 4 new writing exercises every month, for 6 months. No worries about what to write!
- Use #thenotebookproject to generate new writing, improve your writing craft, and stay connected to WHY you love writing in the first place.
I'll also send you other free writing resources and weekly updates from my blog, plus invites to free workshops I hold just for my email subscribers. SPAM-free zone. Unsubscribe easily at any time!
Have you started to avoid your writing? (Or maybe by now you're even avoiding your avoidance?😅)
If you’re serious about creating a writing life you love, join #thenotebookproject and gain access to a free mini-course with videos and new exercises custom-designed specifically for writers.
The mini-course is available immediately, plus you'll receive 4 new writing exercises every month for the next 6 months.

Hey there, Writer!
It's Rhonda here. I am a published author living and writing in Ottawa, Canada, and I am obsessed with helping creative writers finish their books and create a writing life they love.
I've created this special resource to help you do just that by learning 3 new techniques I call "Calm Triggers" that you can add to your writing ritual, and 5 easy brain-based steps you can take to design a writing ritual that will keep calling you back to your desk.
None of that "just force yourself to sit down and write" nonsense -- just a refreshing new way to look at YOUR writing life and achieve a state of flow. Enjoy!
Get Immediate Access to The Notebook Project Mini-Course (FREE!)
I'll also send you other free writing resources and weekly updates from my blog, plus invites to free workshops I hold just for my email subscribers. SPAM-free zone. Unsubscribe easily at any time!